
A friend of mine listens to Hawkwind, heck he’s been in a Hawkwind cover band that toured England and so I thought I would give them a listen. I’m not entirely sure what I was expecting and I’m still not sure what I heard. I just finished the album Levitation.

I think I’ll listen to something else before going to bed. Maybe I’ll list to Conformatigmatic by Cicada. If you haven’t heard him, give it a try, it’s free.

Why This?

The simple answer, I like to share.

I used to use sites like LiveJournal to post things of interest but I started having issues with them. Most social networking sites start off being very useful and fun but once they reach a certain size, they change. This change is always for the worse. So I’ve decided to try this.

I’m guessing that I’ll mostly be posting links to articles but I’ll also be writing about life. I work with Linux all day so I imagine I’ll be posting about it to. I’m sure I’ll think of other things.